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Wild! Coustom billboards?

How do you create coustom billboards?
All you do is create an image in an external image program, like GIMP (download found at http://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/stable.html), Paint (if you dare Tongue), or Photoshop, or something similar. Then you go into the game, go to billboards, choose "custom buildboard" and then find the image you want, and then select the size of billboard you want to place.
hi i need help with my Billbroads. i am trying to put in my custom images but where do i save my custom images so that i can use them on my Billbroad? Please Help
The best place is probably in My Pictures, as that is where RCT3 takes you when you look for pictures.
hmm RCT3 does not show up any of my custom images in there though
I believe they have to be either JPG and BMP.
They are saved as JPG and BMP but when i click on Custom Images it just brings up a empty box so where are my images???
ojs123 Wrote:They are saved as JPG and BMP but when i click on Custom Images it just brings up a empty box so where are my images???
Did you save them within My Documents/My Pictures? I think that is where it looks by default.
Help me please

I put my images saved as BMP and JPG in my documents folder but nothing hapens in the game

And when i'm playing i can´t put billboards from net too

What can i do????

Nothing apears in the billboard window in the game

(sorry for my english)
I'm braziliam
Do you have more than one drive? If you have 2 drives then you might be saving it to 1 my documents/my pictures and the game is opening another one
[Image: banner468x105.png]
[Image: userbar495887sa.gif]

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