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formerly jclark21218, I am back better than ever.

i guess a hiatus trips up the system. tried to log back in under my former username only for it to give me troubles in resetting my password. So i'm back under a new profile. I hope to resume my presence on this site, which i love very much. Got a new, faster PC which means better quality and more opportunities to create my wonderful creations. Keep a look out as I bring back some fan favorites plus some new 2024 creations. 

I'm Mister Fox. I have been a lifetime fan of RCT since high school when the family home had Windows 98. I still have the CD version of RCT's loopy landscapes and corkscrew follies. I'm so happy to see RCT has new life as an open-development source that empowers fans and creatives to improve and enhance on the experience of the game. 

I'm so glad to be back.

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