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how come guests dont go round the park?

hi, me again! i need some help, when i open a park and the guests come in and go into a themed area, it all going well, but if i create a new themed area of the park, the guests don't go into that area, they stay in the themed area that was there b4. ive tried everything, creating transport rides, puting up information stalls which sell maps, creating multiple pathways into the area, but none of these seem to have a big effect, i mean, yeh, sure, some guests come in(count 15-20 of them) but i need another more efficient solution,can any1 help me??
[Image: 11aaedg.jpg]
[Image: rct3x.co.uk.jpg]
current projects-Drayton Manor-50%
-Island P4XX
Time & patience Smile

Over time more guests will come. A ride with coupons to it or advertising for it will also attract guests.

[Image: 7.jpg]
tikitiki Wrote:Time & patience Smile

Over time more guests will come. A ride with coupons to it or advertising for it will also attract guests.

Yeah, add a nice ride and market that badboy- they will come.
[Image: 1.jpg]
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cheers peeps
[Image: 11aaedg.jpg]
[Image: rct3x.co.uk.jpg]
current projects-Drayton Manor-50%
-Island P4XX
I usually build my park first, then open it.....im such a killjoy
I only let peeps in for the first minute to activate my cheats that I need then I close the park, create the park, and maybe I'll let them in. I"m like Cartman from South Park when he owned his own amusement park. "I'm first in line all the time. What a minute, what line?" lol
[Image: 1.jpg]
5 videos FOR YOU
Ye. I build the park first and then let them in. When I am opaning a new area I tend to cut it off and then open it only when it is finished.
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg

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