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need help on a wild-scenario

I'm playing the danish version, of rct3-wild, so my english phrases may be incorrect....

In one of the scenarios, i need to obtain an "area-income"
(in danish: "område-indtægt" if there's any danes in here)

What's that??? And how do I solve this.. ?
Pardon my french, I'm danish.. Eekops:
I'm not too sure what the area-income means.
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I'm posting a screen-shot of the scenario....
It's the 6'th scenario, in the "wild" career
The text is, in danish, but the screnshots should give you an idea, of what scenario, and criteria, i'm talking about...
I hope someone can help me..
Pardon my french, I'm danish.. Eekops:
if I had to gues, because I'm not installing Wild until a patch is out that solves my problems, but if I had to guess I would say that it has to do with the animal; unless that's what the first one is? I think your third one is "Park Value" is that correct?

I'll PM someone to help you out.
[Image: 1.jpg]
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If your running windows you might want to check what language version you have installed.
[Image: 7.jpg]
to beelitz:
the first criteria is about selling some animals (horses)
And the third one is park-value...

To Tikitiki:
I'm running windows xp proff., service pack2, Danish languaged, but i don't see what that's got to do with it ?
Pardon my french, I'm danish.. Eekops:
I havent actually played a single scenario since ive had any of the games since i devote my time to my own parks, so im just generalising here....The first criteria i think is about buying and selling Horses, once the horses breed, you obviously get more, and i think the idea is to make a profit from them by selling them to whoever.The Park Value is usually determined by what rides/attractions there are installed in the park-how much they're worth, and the current Park Rating...i'll see if i can have a look at the scenario and make some sense of it all.
Got another problem in another scenario...

How do I get the camels healthier ??
I need to set 7 or 8 camels free, but their health stay around 68-70%, but needs to be at least 95%....

I out of ideas, on how to deal with these stupid camels...

Does anyone know the trick ?
They've allready got plenty of food, and space, a.s.o.
Pardon my french, I'm danish.. Eekops:
Not too sure. Just keep them happy, clean pens, I guess make sure you theme for their natural enviorment..
[Image: 1.jpg]
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Give them some toys to play with.

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