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Please HELP me select a system

Hi there,

I'm new to this board and to RCT.

I want to get RCT3 but I need to get a new computer system. I was wondering if anyone out there would be able to take a moment to help me out.

I know that RCT lists system requirements, however some RCT members recommend different stats on a system.

I would be purchasing my system from Best Buy. I would only be playing this game, so I don't need a "Power" gaming system, unless everyone recommends it. Can some look through the systems listed on Best Buy and send me some suggestions?

I know this is asking alot, however I don't know where else to ask. I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from someone.

I don't know much about this, but for sure get a Nvidia graphics card. They're better than ATI's. Trust me. Welcome to the site.
[Image: rct3x.co.uk2r.jpg]

Current Projects- The Lost Island
I think the first question is: How much are you willing to spend? What's your budget/limit?
[Image: 1.jpg]
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I'm gonna keep an eye on this thread..
Pardon my french, I'm danish.. Eekops:
Well, when it comes to price, I'm willing to spend a MAX of $1,200. I just don't want to buy an expensive just to get one.

What I use my computer most is for audio/video files. Watch and burn DVDs/CDs. I'm looking to transfer my VHS video AND my vinyl (records) collection to digital files and burn them to DVD/CD. And the ONLY game I would be playing is RCT3. Generally, I'm not into gaming, but RCT3 is an exception. I never played games (aside from AOL's little card games.) SO, I was thinking I don't need a "power gaming" system. Correct?

Maybe this would be some help...Considering what I've listed above, can someone take a moment and look at these two systems at BestBuy and tell me what you think? Of course I would go for the cheaper one if it will do what my needs are. Maybe someone could tell me if it's worth the extra $500 to get the second system.

Thank you so much in advance...

The two computers I'm looking at:

eMachines Desktop with AMD Athlonâ„¢ 64 Processor 3400+

Gateway Media Center Desktop with AMD Athlonâ„¢ 64 X2 Processor 4200+
Id double all the specs that the game says it requires but even than you wont get much gamplay untill lag starts to kick in.
Here goes my recomendations.

CPU: AMD Athlon 64, and if you can stretch to it, Dual Core Athlon 64 X2 4400.

Motherboard: Anything with Nvidia N-Force 4,

Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 7800GT. or the ati X1800XT if budget allows

Sound: Creative Soundblaster XF-I Extreme Music.

RAM: at least 512mb PC3200 is still the only RAM avaliable on AMD systems,

Hard Drives: Id suggest 2 hardrives. 1 for your operating system and programs and the other for videos, music ect
hope this helps
Thanks buddy.

The two harddrive idea is great. I actually have an external one that I'll just place in my new computer.

I read all of your suggestions. Here's the specs on the one I'm looking to buy. Please keep in mind that RCT3 will be the only "major" game I will have on my system. Let me know if this will be good...

AMD Athlonâ„¢ 64 processor 3400+* with 64-bit platform
1600MHz system bus
1GB PC3200 DDR memory / expandable to 4GB
Multiformat DVD±RW/CD-RW drive with double-layer support
512KB L2 cache memory
200GB hard drive with 2MB cache (7200 rpm)
NVIDIA GeForce 6100 graphics with PCI Express x16 expansion slot and up to 128MB shared video memory
high-definition audio (5.1-channel support)
Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
AMD Athlonâ„¢ 64 processor 3400+* with 64-bit platform
1600MHz system bus
1GB PC3200 DDR memory / expandable to 4GB
Multiformat DVD±RW/CD-RW drive with double-layer support
512KB L2 cache memory (id double this)
200GB hard drive with 2MB cache (7200 rpm) Id suggest 2 hardrives. 1 for op system and programs and 1 for files)
NVIDIA GeForce 6100 graphics with PCI Express x16 expansion slot and up to 128MB shared video memory (id go to a 256 card)
high-definition audio (5.1-channel support)

Not shore where you live but id look at :
www.overclockers.co.uk for cheaper prices. That way you can spend a bit more on things like your graphics card ect.
These are my suggestions. Obviously the better graphics card, proccessor and more ram te bigger better quality park.
I would still really reccomending having diffrent hardrives for diffrent useses. If you can streacth to it id have 3.
One for your operating system. Just load your operating system on this and nothing else
2nd one for your programs and games ect
3rd one for you pictures, music and viseos ect
Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
I'm located in the USA. There are cheap spots I can get stuff from.

So you would suffest that I would get a better graphics card then the one listed below, for RCT3?

So several of my friends have different things to say about processors. Pentium vs. Athalon. Any comments? I've always used Athalon and never had any problems.

Thanks again.

shaun allsop Wrote:AMD Athlonâ„¢ 64 processor 3400+* with 64-bit platform
1600MHz system bus
1GB PC3200 DDR memory / expandable to 4GB
Multiformat DVD±RW/CD-RW drive with double-layer support
512KB L2 cache memory (id double this)
200GB hard drive with 2MB cache (7200 rpm) Id suggest 2 hardrives. 1 for op system and programs and 1 for files)
NVIDIA GeForce 6100 graphics with PCI Express x16 expansion slot and up to 128MB shared video memory (id go to a 256 card)
high-definition audio (5.1-channel support)

Not shore where you live but id look at :
www.overclockers.co.uk for cheaper prices. That way you can spend a bit more on things like your graphics card ect.
These are my suggestions. Obviously the better graphics card, proccessor and more ram te bigger better quality park.
I would still really reccomending having diffrent hardrives for diffrent useses. If you can streacth to it id have 3.
One for your operating system. Just load your operating system on this and nothing else
2nd one for your programs and games ect
3rd one for you pictures, music and viseos ect
Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
joeyanyc Wrote:So you would suffest that I would get a better graphics card then the one listed below, for RCT3?

So several of my friends have different things to say about processors. Pentium vs. Athalon. Any comments? I've always used Athalon and never had any problems.

CPU: AMD Athlon 64, without fail. AMD have been faster than Intel for a while now. Single core or dual core I hear you cry? That depends on what you use your PC for. dual core works well for running multiple programs at once, but dont give that much of a performance boost to games, unless you buy the ultra top ones @ £700 each. So single core offering: AMD Athlon 64 3800+, and if you can stretch to it, Dual Core Athlon 64 X2 4400.

Graphics: Nvidia has once again come out faster than ATI this time round. The best card atm in the price vs performance catagory is the Nvidia GeForce 7800GT. But i've alwas been an ATI fan, and would problly buy the X1800XT if budget allows (As it's more like a 7800 GTX). It's about 5% slower than Nvidia's rival, but 30% cheaper. Another thing to say here is, don't hold back on your graphics card purchace. Trimming the pennies here will see you having to upgrade sooner than expected. Buy something top spec now, and it will see you clear for a good 18-24 months.

Im not a pc genius. For one of those Id suggest speaking to RCS2K4. lol This is the info tha he gave me for suggestions on a new pc. My specs are allot higher than this on the pc im planning to build. Ive read lots and lots of threads and forums regarding game lag and whats the best graphics card ect ect.
Ive come accross peaple that have spent £300 to £400 on a pc and then others that have spent that amount just on a new graphics card. Or spent around the £1500 mark on a new pc. Either way Nobody that I know of has not sufferd from lag. Eventually you will get it. its just a case of seeing how far you can push it before it starts to lag.

One rule I think everyone should follow is:
Graphics cards take a certain amount of memory from your pc memory to make up the graphics card onboard memory that it losses when running certain applications.
My advice would be, DONT overclock your graphics card unless you are 100% certain you know what you are doing.
And have 4 times the amount of memory your onboard grachics card memory is.
E.G If you have a 128 mb graphics card then you should really have at least 512mb memory.
Hope this makes sense and helps you.

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