I wouldnt want one.
How much would you pay to have Spidermans Powers?
I can get it 4 3 soon.
How much would you pay for the honour of having a Kebab with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2?
erm...a lot of mooney.....ok it was crap lmao but i had to say it
current projects-Drayton Manor-50%
-Island P4XX
Well, how much would you pay to have a copy of RCT3 - Glitches Solved....the long awaited 3rd Expansion.?
I would probably pay about $60 Max, but more than likely, I would wait till the price came down a bit.
How much would you pay to have blue underware?
Id pay a tenner.......if it was flourescent blue, then it would be 50 smackers.
How much would you pay, to see youre woman dressed in what you want her in?