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Hello i need some help [solved]

Hi I really love all roller coasters games. I`d like to know some tips about:
1)Why the people don`t go to my rides ?? I put them very cheap but they are not going. I don`t know why. Their sometimes go when i put a brand new ride. But few month later they hardly ever go.
2)Why it`s too difficult for mechanics fix the shops ??
3)How can i win money ?? Althought i have some rides and shop. I cannot earn money. Also people don`t go to the rides.
4)How can i maintain more than 700 park rating ??

Well thank for the help ^^
Let me start by welcoming you to RCT3X ramonero!

Secondly, do you own any expansion packs? Soaked! or Wild!

1) There are many reasons why peeps won't go on rides. They might not like the ride, doesn't matter if you give away free tickets, they won't ride. The Excitement, Intensity, and Nausia factor play a major role in determining whether the peeps will want to ride or not. Some peeps only like Intense rides while others like Gentle rides. The Stratagy, without using Cheat-Codes, is to make or provide all types of rides to comfort everybodies needs and wants. (a) After a while, brand new rides get old for the peeps and they want something new, or lowering the prices for older rides might intice the peeps to continue riding them. Also, placing Flat Rides next to mid-high intense coasters can provoke a peep to ride the caoster after riding the Flat-Ride. This is because the peeps builds up confidence and a mind set that he/she can handle the coaster now. My advise is to place Flat Rides and Stalls next to the intense coasters or all coasters including the ones that the peeps won't ride.

2) Not sure if you know this or not but you can educate Staff members and the higher the education the faster and more proficient they will work. This ranges from Mechanics, Ride Operators, Janitors to Stall salesmen/saleswomen, and even Mascotts. If you're not using the Cheat Code that automatically sets the Staff's education on high, it will get costly. Also, make sure you set a path for the mechanics and not have one mechanic for 30 Rides. When I'm not using the Frontier Cheat, I usally have one mechanic to every four rides and set up a inspection time according to the popularity of the ride.

3)To win money is the whole statagy to the game -well part of anyways. You have to meet the peeps needs and wants. It simply supply and demand. If it's cold outside, more than likely they would love a cup of hot chocolate... You can charge a price to use the bathroom but be carefull not to make the peeps mad. 10-20 cents you can usally get away with. Anything higher they will rebel.

4) To maintain the 700 park rating is to keep the peeps happy. #3 pretty much sums it up

Good luck to ya!!

[Image: 1.jpg]
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Thank you

About the stalls. What kind of stalls do you recomend to put in my park ? should i use cafeterias like i saw in turorials on this page ?? but how many.

Thank 4 everything
You can use what you saw in the tutorials if you want, and you can put anything you want to in the park. In my observation, I've noticed that peeps like certain food over another -I think it was the generic stuff like sodas, hamburgers, etc.. Think of it as if you were at a real park: Information Stalls would be at the front of the entrance, Bathrooms spaced through out the park, etc.. Personally, I like to keep food Stall somewhat away from coasters, becasue peeps can eat then ride and then throw up on my paths. Instead I try to place Hat Stalls, Souvenir Stalls, etc near the coasters and most other rides. It just seems that peeps buy them more when placed there and also towards the entrance.
[Image: 1.jpg]
5 videos FOR YOU
Thank you
You're very welcomed ramonero. Anytime.
[Image: 1.jpg]
5 videos FOR YOU
#1 You need to have lots of tolets about the park. Once when I had not reasearched toilets and I could not put any about basicly all my guests left.

#2 Sometimes guests get bored of the rides so u need to put new ones in when that happens. Also you need to have a variety of itensities.

#3 Have an information kiosk near park entrance.

#4 Put a sick kiosk near high itensity rides.

#5 Have lots of scenery, you can never have too much.

That should solve your park rating problems.
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg

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