talking washing machine for directions to the nearest toilits so that he could......
current projects-Drayton Manor-50%
-Island P4XX
Find his way and also empty his deformd bladder of .....
hydrochloric acid, mixed with a highly destructive compound which suddenly made the atmosphere........
current projects-Drayton Manor-50%
-Island P4XX
GO all hot and pruple, suddnely the hydrochloric acid began to.....
burn through him, and made a highly destructive slick which burnt through copious schools of tuna.....Zachary Tunafish, the head of the Tunas declared.............
"blow bubbles at the woolie mammoth and make tickle him till he bleeds heads of lettice out his......
Trunk......which of course he was only seeing the lettuce, that he decided a salad sandwich would............
.......fill him up he then decided to buy a sofa which turned out to be a.....
monkey's dead banana, he got scared so he deposited it at the.......
current projects-Drayton Manor-50%
-Island P4XX
banna Deposatry bank, But whilst he was in there a big .....