Forget my post above. I already have one. Custom Kingda Ka trains!
Kingda Ka... Pure Awesomeness!
i wonder what causes the game to require wild...
Speedy, there is a destroyed plane set. I'm pretty sure Old Spice made it.
Slightly curious, is their just a plain metal set anywhere? I wanted to make a station but i can't for the life of me find a metal wall set ingame or as CS/
We haven't even yet begun to live.
Add me on Xbox: Core Therapy
^ Hmmm..... I really don't think I know any, but I know Vodhin has got some nice glass walls and roof sets. Not sure where to find them though.
We really need to bump the I Search An Object Thread, if there is one.
I have a request: I want to make a "music" park. So if you could make scenery like:
part of a guitar, some walls or anything in the shape of instruments of musical notes. A big drum kit as an entrance, or a violin, or a piano, or some performance things like a stage or some soundspeakers or microphones.
All things with a music theme are very welcome.
I hope you can help (or somebody else maybe).
Thank you.
hi , yh i will make the ride for u if u want?