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Peep Creating

jus a curiousity, when u create peeps of your own on RCT3, is there any way that u can tell the game wot kinda relationship those created people have? i created a couple, and they jus seem 2 walk around, where as pre-set peeps from the game, they are a little more active!
Any help would b appreciated :?
I think the game does this automatically. Whereas, if you have two young couple, I guess, more than likely they will be b/f-g/f. Same with adults, you'll probably see them in romance, kissing, holding hands and whatever else they do when we're not looking. Of course we don't see an adult making out with a child so it's assumed that the relationship is parent and child.

Perhaps if you set the game level to crazy for example and you don't have any "Crazy" or Urber rides, then the peeps will probably just walk around b/c every thing is boring to them.

Hope this helps and Welcome to RCT3X.
[Image: 1.jpg]
5 videos FOR YOU
I find that if u have a male and female teenagers then they kiss.
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg

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