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aquarium issues

hi, i saw in the preview pics at the main menu for the game that you can build your aquarium underwater, but when i try to do it it wont let me. i tried placing the water first, the ride first, and it still wont let me build the aquarium underwater. so, how can i do it? Frown
Have you tried using the scenery items? Place your grass, rocks, if you have the first expansion pack: Soaked; you can place some fishes, underwater buildings, crashed ships, and/or whatever else comes to your imagination. I'm not too sure about the ride though, I'm pretty sure you can't build rides/coasters underwater so the best bet, to get a 'underwter' view, would be to use the submarine or something like it.

Welcome to RCT3X by the way! Glad to see another member! Hope to see you around the forum.
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