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Contour Theme Park

@ towersdude
Errrrrrrrrr My imaginary helicopter Wink

LOL as soon as my pc was back from the shop the first thing I did was spend about an hour installing custom sceanry and than started the park. Hopefully I can bring to this park the lessons I learnt from Zaytoun.

@ Neg-A-Tive-G
Thanks for the comments

More updates hopefully tonight.

Shaun is at it again!! Glad there was a quick bounce back. The park looks good so far and I can't wait to see more and more and more...
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5 videos FOR YOU
beelitz Wrote:Shaun is at it again!! Glad there was a quick bounce back. The park looks good so far and I can't wait to see more and more and more...

lol me too
[Image: 11aaedg.jpg]
[Image: rct3x.co.uk.jpg]
current projects-Drayton Manor-50%
-Island P4XX
We have been back down to the park today to oversee the construction
and allot of progress has been made. The main entrance building allong
with the Ticket booths (at the front) has been constructed. The paths have also been layed
around the building. There have also been disscussions as regards to plans of the park, mainly the entrance area.

# The main entrance area will contain billboards to advertise attractions and main events. These
will be put up as soon as the logos have been developed.

# After entering through the main entrance building you will be lead down some steps
to the parks main street. The main street will host shops and eating places.

# The main entrance and main street will be on 2 diffrent levels, to break the areas up.

# The park will open early and close late so visitors will get the best out of there visit. (Hours to be confirmed)

# There is no information as regards to rides and attractions in the park as of yet.

# The lake in the park is possibly to be exspanded, The planned waterfall that was made when the lake was added to the park was never built
however there are plans for this to be done.

# There is allot of clearence of trees and old paths ect to be done, but the trees will be rplaced but will be more varied.

# No information yet as to what is going to happen with the old wooden coaster "splinter" At the moent the area has been fenced off
and is out of bounds untill further notice.
I shall try and update you with the parks plans as construction progress.

Enough chit chat, here are the pictures.

[Image: 18yd.jpg]
[Image: 25tk2.jpg]
[Image: 37dk.jpg]

( Comments and suggestions always welcome, more updates soon )

SA Productions Manager.
Another day brings more construction, and yes you guessed it, more updates.
The stairs leading from the entrance building down onto the main street
have been added and constructed.
We have also added roofing and colums to the new pathed/stairs area.

Progress has been made on the main street. Framework for the first building, planed to be
a coffee house, Possibly starbucks has been constructed.

The main entrance building has now been fully constructed and is complete.
For those woundering, Even though the building has been complete the scafolding will not be removed
untill last minute. The reason for this is in case of any last minute changes and also for safty reasons.

Enough chit chat, here are the pictures.

[Image: 18gr.jpg]
[Image: 23uw.jpg]
[Image: 39dh.jpg]
[Image: 45vw1.jpg]
[Image: 56og.jpg]

Comments and suggestions always welcome, more updates soon
SA Productions Manager.
Looking Great and very realistic!
It really is a pleasure to watch your park building itself up.Your use of the construction set is breathtaking.You should win an award just for realism.I will be watching with eager anticipation...
*agrees with G-man. You seem to be into photography
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I did photography at college, I just like to make things look good and real.

Thanks for the comments.
Your pics show your professionalism
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