May 19, 2006, 10:27 AM
What was the reason for demolishing it m8?
G Force Junkie Wrote:What was the reason for demolishing it m8?
shaun allsop Wrote:[align=center]During my visit at the park yesturday I reveiwed the plans for splinter. The old wooden Roller Coaster that has been in the park since
1980. Over the years the coaster has been a victim to weathering and genral wear and tear sufferd during operation.
When the park was closed the coaster stood still unused for over 12 years.
Since the park being in new ownership the area around the coaster was fenced off untill
plans were approved. The palns have been approved for the re-construction of the coaster.
The layout will stay with the same layout but will mostly be replaced with newer, safe, more reliable and better technolagy.
SA Productions Manager.