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I Think Rct3x has done one, but he has not released it, but as you are a new member he might feel sorry for you so try and pesuade him to put it up for downloads.

Oh yeah, Welcome to the forums! Smile
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg
funnily enough i woke up this morning and thought... Im going to Alton Towers this Saturday so why not build a rec... so ive just started on Towers Street and you will be able to keep up with my progress in the Exchange forum
[Image: atabanner.jpg]

LOL what a coincidence.
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg
Nice lol & Thanks For the welcome guys Eekops:
Looks like everyone is making an Alton Towers recreation... The really big coincidence is that I'm making one too... I've only just started, and I'll post some screenshots and a video when I've done the first section in the exchange forum. That'll be in about a month though, as it's gonna take me ages...
[Image: nfnukesigzr4.png]

I have tried a few times and failed when i got to merrie england, lol!

Any news on a Alton towers park to D/L?
I would like to download Alton Towers if it is ready to be download, because i thinks alton towers is amazing.
I personally have never been to Alton Towers, so I would have trouble remaking itSmile
Me? I use Dove soap to make MY napalm.
OK here is the cereal part of my sig.
I'm playing ROBLOX and I liek wafflez. :3
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2088]

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