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Jandopanophilia Studios

love'n the display area Jag
[Image: 1.jpg]
5 videos FOR YOU
The brick building could do with some improvement but too bad they don't have the right brick pieces to fit a prober roof

Also here are some beta Picture of what might be chaning to the park also advice would be great

Quote:Hey i decided to change Jandopanophilia Studios a little and make a river and a water fall. all i need is adivce on how i could improve on the new look. heres some pics

[Image: shot00030si.jpg]
[Image: shot00052bo.jpg]
[Image: shot00029ot.jpg]
[Image: shot00043ph.jpg]
[Image: shot00069vd.jpg]
[Image: jag100banner.gif]
The batman section looks good.
[Image: image.png]
New Disney Expansion pack, is it true
Hey something new this coming to Jandopanophilia Studios and all i can show you at the moment is this
[Image: sonictwisterlogo6dm.jpg]
[Image: jag100banner.gif]
Nice logo Jag Smile
Nice logo. Sounds like a coaster.
[Image: image.png]
New Disney Expansion pack, is it true
This looks nice so far! Can't wait for more pictures of that coaster!
Plokoon , brave hero of the clonewars, intil his ship crashed from the betrayal of clones.
May we never for get Jedimaster Plokoon!
[Image: rct3x9gj.jpg]
Bril :wink:
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg
[Image: jag100banner.gif]
A few tips on your video, first I would offer a low quality version for those people that are on dial up or, trying to post on RCT3X on school computers that don't have broadband.

Secondly, try renaming the video to something abit easier to link to. And finally that takes ages to buffer!

[Image: newsig.gif]
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