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Going on Vacation

I just wanted to let everyone know that tomorrow morning I'm leaving for our vacation to Orlando, and I will not be able to access the forums. I might not have internet access at all, I'm not quite sure. If I do manage to get internet access, I'll only be checking my GMail account, which is belloman [ a t ] gmail [ d o t ] com - so if you need to contact me, please use that method, even though I may not be able to reply. If I cannot reply while on vacation, I certainly will when I get back Smile

I will be getting back on June 16th at night, I think, so I probably wouldn't be able to get on until the 17th.

Be good! Tongue Remember, I am going to return, so if you're bad, I'll take care of you then Devil

- Belloman
Whoo, you're returning on my birthday!
Have fun, hopefully chickenselects will be able to control us
While the cat's away, the mice will play
A funny answerphone message:
Hi. Now you say something.
Yay who wants to have a spam session and then set fire to the welcome commitee forumWink

Anyway, If I was you Belloman I wouldn't have said that way we'd of just thought you were unwell and posted sensibly.

[Image: newsig.gif]
Next time I won't, then Tongue

I'm back, obviously Wink My vacation was great... Biggrin
Yay he's back, next time you go just say something along the lines of "My cat got stuck in my neighbour's blender and I have to go to Texas to have the blender fixed"

And that is Thomas's Top Tip of the Day

[Image: newsig.gif]
Lucky...(Napolean Dynamite's Voice)

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