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Patching RCT 3 Gold

I have a copy of RCT 3 Gold on its way to me but have already downloaded patches for Soaked and Gold in preparation. My question is, which patch do I use?

I'm assuming it's the one for Gold but as Soaked is part of the package I wondered if just need to patch this.

Any advice?

Use the one that's for Gold!. There is no need for the Soaked! patches if you have Gold!.
rickcb Wrote:I have a copy of RCT 3 Gold on its way to me but have already downloaded patches for Soaked and Gold in preparation. My question is, which patch do I use?

I'm assuming it's the one for Gold but as Soaked is part of the package I wondered if just need to patch this.

Any advice?


Check the New member thread were you introduced yourself. Rct3x gave you a good link to use.
[Image: 1.jpg]
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ye ryou only need the gold patches if you use the other ones it won't work
[Image: jag100banner.gif]

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