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Ok ive been working on my new coaster for contour theme park for ages and its still far from complete. Ive been looking through all the custom sceanery threads and looked in all the packs but is there any ladders apart from the one in the hanger pack.

Im looking for somthing that will line up with the steel supports pack.

somthing like:

[Image: timbertopscolumnwithspiralstai.jpg]

and has anybody attempted to make the curved cat walks on boomerang sections. I think we should have both of these things as they would make our coasters more realistic Smile

[Image: boomerangge3sz.jpg]

LOL I spent nearly 3 hours searching through google images for the ladder I really wanted, There was every type of ladder exsept the one I want but never mind.

As regards to having a go myself using skecthup. Ive have a play around but Im just no good with numbers and poly counds and alpher texturing ect ect. LOL Dislexa doesnt mix with trying to make custom sceanery.

This was after 20 minutes work getting used to what does what ect.

[Image: untitled4ju1.jpg]

Thats as far as I get before I just get completly lost. Ive must have had about 12 previous attempts at importing things into RCT following all the diffrent tutourials ect And I just cant as I find it to hard. Beause of my ******* dislexa lol

Well I may PM a few of the custom sceanery makers and see if they have time to do it, Or maybe they could post here if there willing

I think it is a gd idea.
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg
That would improve the boomerang coasters, although it is a little but uncommon it still would be useful.

[Image: newsig.gif]
Click here to visit my blog! If you haven't already then why not visit RCT3Madness
great idea shaun. if you need any help with this then you can PM me. also google skechup won't work with rct3
[Image: jag100banner.gif]
Good Luck to ya Shaun.
[Image: 1.jpg]
5 videos FOR YOU
yeh I discoverd that when I posted the same thing on the atrai forums, I got a bit slated about using google skecthup, Well Im currently getting hold of 3dsmax and milkshape so Ill have a play with those, im okay about creating models ect but as soon as it comes to importing stuff in the game and having things line up ect im totaly confussed. But ill have a play

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