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Heat Wave

Global Dimming....

Pollution and Aeroplane trails in the sky build up to form a large reflective layer in the atmosphere which blocks some of the heat and light waves from the sun.

With out this layer, global temperatures would be a couple of degrees C warmer, and the effect of global warming would be more apparant.

So with Global Dimming, its protecting us from the increase in global warming. However, Global Dimming and Global Warming are competing against each other! If we reduce carbon gassess etc.. the world will become alot cooler, with the layer above the earth cooling us. If we want to reduce global dimming, Global warming will increase and the world will heat up.

So at the moment there is an equilibrium (same levels) of both, if one decreases, problems will be caused!

The main cause of Global Dimming is from the molecules coming from aeropanes, look up into the sky, see how many planes you can see with the white lines coming from it! This all builds up forming the layer!

Cheers Smile
Well in that case we just shoot all planes down with cunningly placed missile launchers and blow up all factories and power stations... then there won't be global dimming or global warming...
[Image: nfnukesigzr4.png]
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg
Hmmmm, that would work!

Then Earth would be boring Frown
Just think......in 50 years time, England could be a tropical country.With Palm trees, Great white Sharks harbouring in our waters, with malaria infested mosis, and deadly snakes and spiders......hmmm.Things arnt looking too good.Bring on the Ice age!!!!!
ROFL - Shoot down aircraft's, shark infested waters, bring on the next ice age, england having palm trees?


You guy's have been watching to many films, things will turn out totally different. I think it will end up like a cross over between war of the worlds and resident evil apocalypse :P
[Image: banner.png]

Member Of The Month: March 2006

i live in florida. it's not THAT bad, Smile

@ tikitiki: that's ok. i once had a crush on a cousin too lol
[Image: sig-paradise.jpg]

"Reality is for those with no imagination."
LOL Smile

Florida is great, i soooo wish i lived there Frown

Any way, over here in Sunny England its reaching about 100 Degree F, only 10 less than you Tiki :P And we dont have air con!!!!!
you don't have a.c.!? :shock:
[Image: sig-paradise.jpg]

"Reality is for those with no imagination."
No!! lol

I live in England! Temperatures like this are rare :P

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