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I Bid You All Good-day!

Hello, one and all. I am Jeremy Price, also known as PTSS. I am an avid RCT3er, and have been a member of the Atari forums for quite some time. I am a highly respected park builder, and am the creator of the celebrated park "Windflower Falls". For anyone who hasn't seen said park, you can check it out here:

Anyways, I joined these forums after prompting from Nuclear Fish, my teammate in the online RCT3 competition "Battle Of The Forums". (Actually, it seems I registered almost a year ago, but never got around to posting). I am the captain of the Typhoon Tycoons, a team I drafted featuring several talented and well-respected builders. I am proud of what my team has accomplished, and I do say we have done quite well for ourselves.

As for me, I'm 15, an aspiring musician, a good person, a crazy dancer, and one of the few people who plays the noseflute as a hobby.

It's nice to meet you all, and I look forwards to getting to know you all better!
never heard of the nose flute but cool glad to welcome you here
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"Reality is for those with no imagination."
welcome to the best rct3 forum ever.
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New Disney Expansion pack, is it true
Evening from the Xtreme corner!
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Member Of The Month: March 2006
Seriously, I really should get another award from Drayton Monkey... and so should G-Man too, as he's got lots of other people on here... I make that four people who have now joined due to me (Scotland, Satriales, PTSS (even though he had already joined) and my sister, although luckily she seems to have forgotten about these forums).W

Anyway, welcome to the land of Fish, Monkeys, Junkies, Scottish people who post too much, Creators of Masterpeices, Online Game players, Sonic Fans, Dodgy Aztec God Statues, people obsessed with writing their name on Stealth, Simpsons Fans, Novelists and Typhoon Tycoons!
[Image: nfnukesigzr4.png]
lol. Nose Flute Biggrin Anyway, Welcome to RCT3X and the forums. Enjoy your stay and have a good time Smile

Edit: Just took a look at your park, and its freaking fabulous. Great job. I hope you'll share any other creations you have with us.
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Welcome to rct3x
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Welcome to RCT3X!
Aha!! A fellow Perfectionist......that park is lookin freakin awesome.More competition for me muhahahah!! anyway greetings from the G-Man!!

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