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RCT3 Resorces & Links

Here is a complete list of all useful resorces for RCT3. Extra links will be added by request.

Custom scenery
CSO Database
Apet08's complete list of custom scenery
Vodhins community pages-custom objects section
RCt3 maniacs list of works in progress

RCT3 Fansites
RCT3 Madness
RCT3 & Co
Jag100 Site
RCT3 Beat
RCT3 Peeps!
Simulation City
Twisted RCT3
Airtime Central
Rollercoaster time

RCT3 Mixmaster Resources
RCT3 Pyro
RCT3 Beat (great music)
Newgrounds audio portal (again great mustic for use in your mixmaster shows)
Bitter Jeweller Films
How to make your own fireworks!
America the beautiful-on google videos

RCT3 Tutorials
Theres not much point in providing the links to all the great tutorials on atari - so i'll just give you the link to the main fourum.
Atari Tutorials Fourum

Custom Scenery
Iceatacs's Custom Scenery importer tutorial
How to install Custom scenery
Custom Scenery, Blender and The Gimp
Creating Custom Scenery: some good-to-know facts&figures
A basic guide to creating custom objects in RCT3

Great Parks to Check out
Wonder World-By shyguy
Meteor Valley-By Nuclear Fish
Meridian Merdway-By G Force Junkie
Kahuna Lagoon-also By G Force Junkie
Thorpe Park Recreation-also By G Force Junkie
Las Orillas De Mistic-by Towersdude

Fun stuff to check out
User Created & Offical RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Videos
Post your best RCT3 pictures
50 list of free upload services for your video/RCT3 files
Myotis's logos and safety signs

I hope this will come in useful for everyone.
Turbo Tortoise
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg
Wow that's the first time my site (shame-less plug removed :P) has ever been in a list with RCT3X and been higher then them..:P

Oh yeah try adding the "How to post screenshots in your posts thread, in the RCT3 Exchange forum, by me!

[Image: newsig.gif]
Click here to visit my blog! If you haven't already then why not visit RCT3Madness
Ok Mr Monkey!

BTW the sites are not listed in how I rate them, but yours would still come close second lol.
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg
Who would be 1st SmileWink

Nice list BTW
As far as I am aware, Jag's site has been removed. He told me something about it before on MSN, then shortly after the site and the forums have gone. I don't know if it will ever be back, but Jag will have to confirm it.

This is a great list by the way... I may have to add some great aprks and rides to check out to the list. You're missing off ones like Hybridia (by tyc00n10), Menken Mania (by mikeyca), The Olden Kingdom (by CoasterCowboy), Cirque Phantasmagorie (by Fisherman) and many more.
[Image: nfnukesigzr4.png]
Okay who removed my shameless plug? :lol:

Oh yeah and it's nice to know we have atleast one visitor apart from myself.

[Image: newsig.gif]
Click here to visit my blog! If you haven't already then why not visit RCT3Madness
Comes back from the shop with a box of tissues Frown

My site isnt on there or anything ive done whats going on? Have you all decided to have a muntiny agaisnt me lol SOme great links there though. I think for those that are intrested the should be some seprate links to tutorials for custom sceanery making and ones for games guides to passing scenarios ect.
Nuclear Fish Wrote:As far as I am aware, Jag's site has been removed. He told me something about it before on MSN, then shortly after the site and the forums have gone. I don't know if it will ever be back, but Jag will have to confirm it.

This is a great list by the way... I may have to add some great aprks and rides to check out to the list. You're missing off ones like Hybridia (by tyc00n10), Menken Mania (by mikeyca), The Olden Kingdom (by CoasterCowboy), Cirque Phantasmagorie (by Fisherman) and many more.

the site is back online now but ill have to sort out an sql error but after that the site will be 100% online. o the link http://www.jag100.co.nr works now
[Image: jag100banner.gif]
Sorry shaun, adding urs now, and BTW, RCT3X comes 1sr. Smile
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg
yeah, nice one Turbo Tortoise :P
[Image: image.png]
New Disney Expansion pack, is it true

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