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Hi everyine,
Well I have good news everyone, well it's good news for me. Well starting this Friday I am taking a holiday to Florida and wont be back to around new year. I am going to visit all the theme parks. Oh I can't wait to ride on sheiKra at bush gardens. I will take lots of pics and post them here when I get back.

Also when is thrillVille out for the psp. I can not find the game any where.
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New Disney Expansion pack, is it true
Good for you. [/jealousy]
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This is gonna be my last post until new year. Hope everyone has a great christmas.

Gamesonline signs out. Peace....
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New Disney Expansion pack, is it true
Have fun mate,
Make sure you get lots of pics for us. take care
I know youve gone away, so you will be reading this when u get back :P

Hope you have/had fun Smile
:0 Ive never been to florida. Hope you had fun. Please can you post some pics (LOL that sounds really weird. 8-)
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Just got back two hours ago. Anyway I had a great time. Disney was jam packed full of people over the holidays. The christmas parade was brill. Oh and on christmas it rained and there were some tornados in florida to.
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New Disney Expansion pack, is it true
Glad you had a good time Smile

Got to love the weather over there, one minute its red hot, next its tornado's! You got ne pics to share SmileSmile
Yea, we all want pics, do we not? Also, a friend told me they do not decorate well for christmas, at Disney world... Is it true?
good old florida i remember that place anyways thrillville out in feb 2007 in UK
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