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soaked help!

i've been playing soaked for a while now and i just wanted some help on some things that i dont understand how to do! ok here they are:
1) Waterfalls, i know how to use the icon and everything its just that i dont know how to create a raised platform and how to fill that platorm with water to create a waterfall
2) Underwater walkways, i dont really know how they work and how do u get underwater animals to be in the water where these walkways are (like killer whales and dolphins- do u just need the killer whale/dolphin show near the walkway?)

help will be greatly appreciated
Thanks, Raj
1) Just use the digging tool that is like the RCT2 one, and dig a hole. Fill it with water, then, after making sure it is near another body of water, use the waterfall tool.

2) Underwater walkways allow for a path to be built underwater. All that means is the peeps can see stuff underwater. This stuff could be scenery, rides, or even sea creatures like fish, sharks, and stingrays. It's all aesthetics.
If you want things living in your water, you need to have the water at some point meet the edge of the map, I.E so it goes over the park edge/boundry

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