Feb 3, 2007, 03:05 PM
Yes it's back, and afetr the last pub got burnt down I'd thought we could do with a new Pub, a place for people to hang out and talk about the things that really amtter in life...like Pepsi or Coke or Could you eat 17 melons and live....But now...The News...
After planning to leave the RCT3 Community..Jag100 decided to take a break
Nuclear Fish's Big Moderator promotion came after the RCT3X Forums Annual Moderator Lottery
RCT3X decided to take a taxi home...something he later regretted
And finally Tikitiki's G-Froce Junkie Mask wasn't gonna help him pull at all...
After planning to leave the RCT3 Community..Jag100 decided to take a break
Nuclear Fish's Big Moderator promotion came after the RCT3X Forums Annual Moderator Lottery
RCT3X decided to take a taxi home...something he later regretted
And finally Tikitiki's G-Froce Junkie Mask wasn't gonna help him pull at all...