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Custom scenery request

Ok, I was wondering if anybody could make me an Armed forces scenery pack. I would like it to include: Planes, Tanks, (Possibly soldiers), and anything else Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, ETC. Related

And if somebody could make a construction Custom pack with: Cranes, construction vehicles, signs, barricades, ETC.
That is all I can think of now

Thank you.

I was not sure where to put this, so if it needs to be moved please move it.
Future RCT Expert
I make coasters with EXTREME G-Forces
First of all, this was in the wrong thread. And YAY! I have already proved myself useful as a Super Mod by moving it!

Secondly, a military pack has just been released. Click here
And a construction set has also been made. Click here
[Image: nfnukesigzr4.png]
I already found the construction one, but there is no download link on the military one, and is it possible for someone to make something more than A tank and A jeep (no sarcasticness intended)
Future RCT Expert
I make coasters with EXTREME G-Forces

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