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Lost World

Here is a look at a park/scenario im working on. I think everything is in order, just working with the Islands tyring to make it very complex to bulid on and i think im achieving this.

Look at the entrance and the board walk out onto the water.

Just a basic over view of the park area on the mountian

Here again just a basic shot of the terrain.
Basic ground view of a coaster to show what the park could look like

The ruined city on the beach shores.

Ariel view of the island.
Nice start Smile

If you have a play about with the graphics options, under options in the game menu, you should be able to make the coaster tracks show up better for screenshots. Then you can reduce it again to play with.

I luck forward to seeing more from you!
Looking good.

Another sugestion for your screen shots is to rename a guest david walsh, press crtl and u to make the menus and icons disapear then press ctrl and u to bring them back
I always wanted to know how to make the menus disapear....now i know..lol- Yeah Rct3x, I gotta turn the graphix down a lil, but ill do that for my screenies..my computer will run it on full, but it lags just a hair and i dont like it..but ill put up a few more.[/i]
Ok, I think im done with this scenario (yeah i know its in the wrong fourm) my bad..lol but anyways i didnt want to put alot of rides in cause that ruines the fun, the coaster in the pics is just for looks it doesnt come in the scenario. You basicly start out with lil money, just a few rides to choose from, you got to develop the rest, and very touch objectives! Enjoy....:grin:
Nice park. Pics a bit small but can't wait to see more.
[Image: 2yowokk.jpg]

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