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Hey, guys, I'm new here. (obviously :grin: ) So I'd like to say a big hello to everybody!

Just a little about me:
I am a Middle School student living in Southeastern United States. I have had and played RCT3: Gold for over a year or two and really love the game. Also I like to play FSX: Acceleration developed by Microsoft Corp., and by my username, you can tell that I am a Virtual Airline pilot for Delta Virtual Airlines. Anyway, back to RCT3. Recently I decided to start making some detailed billboards for my parks, and also I have just completed a small project on a park that I will upload to the Downloads section. I just discovered this website through the RCT3 Community links page and decided to join here.

Alright, well there you go! Any tips and hints etc. are welcome! BTW I run Vista 32-bit.

Have a great day!
Nice to meet you, hope to see another active member. Never heard of FSX: Acceleration I might have to try it.
[Image: 2yowokk.jpg]
(Jun 21, 2008, 02:52 PM)Zippy24 Wrote: Nice to meet you, hope to see another active member. Never heard of FSX: Acceleration I might have to try it.
It's a flight simulator for your PC. Click here for details. Before getting it, however, you need really good specs. In my opinion you would need at least:

-a dual core processor (of any kind, Intel is better)
-NVidia GeForce 8 series or higher (later 7 versions are okay too)
-30 GB of free hard disk space

I said that because the real minimum specs are literally rock bottom and it'll look nothing like the examples. Tip: Don't use DX10 with this game, there a flicering textures. Also to make it easier get a joystick with a hat switch.

Anyway thanks for the welcome!
I might get it, it looks fun.
[Image: 2yowokk.jpg]
Welcome! Please enjoy your stay.

That simulator looks pretty nice!
These are my favorite bands...

5.Lamb of God
6.The Agony Scene


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