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My park got corrupted, but I fixed it.

I see loads of posts on various RCT forums stating that they have had to cancel their parks or tracks or scenarios because somehow the file got corrupt.

Well I recently got the same problem but was not prepared to let weeks of work go to waste so set about trying to recover it. I will not bore you with all the troubleshooting details but rather go straight to the cutdown repair procedure.

Using the backup/s did not work. I ended up removing ALL the CS stuff I had installed to RCT3 and my park loaded again. It was however minus all the CS I had used but at least I could carry on with my park. Luckily I had not used very much CS so getting my park back to the way I wanted it only took about 30mins.

Hope this helps someone ... specially those of you who have given up on your creations.

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