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Hey I just found this site a couple of days ago after getting back into RTC, seems like a nice community so I dicided to make an account Biggrin . Im 16 and have played rollercoaster tycoon since around 1999-2000 when my dad bought it for me... yeah I was 7. Anyway It was the first serious game I had played I didn't quite understand it at first but I found it to be a fun challenging game for my tiny brain. I have bought (or "asked Santa") for every game since. I stopped playing RTC3 about three years ago for no specific reason. So Im back and Im DL'ing custom scenery and all that stuff I already got trackworx, So if you have any suggestions I'll take them. Stuff besides RTC, I like real real rollercoasters, Skateboarding, drawing, Alternitive rap music Especially Definitive Jux (Cage, EL-P, Aesop Rock) If youve ever heard of them. Biggrin Cheers!
Welcome FatBaby! Thank you for choosing us! Smile
[Image: coaster9hd.png]
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Hey, welcome to RCTgo! Smile

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