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Newport Pleasure Gardens - Contest Begins (9-12-11)

This looks really good, can't wait for the next update! Smile
^Thanks! Here it is then Wink



The park is now saying that I have to get approval on all photos before I share them. Kind of annoying, but at least they've allowed me to reveal our next ride: High Fliers!

Check it all out below, and stay tuned for more updates.

-Janet Rohrs

[Image: shot0603.jpg]
What could this be?

[Image: shot0604.jpg]
Behold "High Fliers", our massive parachute drop tower!

[Image: shot0605.jpg]
This pathway will lead back to the rest of the park - but I'm not allowed to show you yet!
gci2011's RCT3 Projects

Other Projects
Wow, the park looks amazing. Biggrin

Just asking, what is the name of the set that those canopies are from in the first picture.


^Glad you like it! The queue covers are from SK's Canopy 101 set.

OK... major problem:

I can't seem to get into the park - I open it up and its a blank sandbox park, with the ground all brown. Really disappointed because I was really happy with my progress and this is already my second try at building this park (the first version wouldn't even open for me). I don't want to give up on the park but I have no idea what to do. The only time I've ever seen this before was with CD5's last download of SFSC - it didn't work for a while, but then I installed more CS and it worked fine. What could cause this? Please Help!
gci2011's RCT3 Projects

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I've never had that problem with my RCT3 before, maybe try sending the park to another computer with RCT3 installed and see if it works. That's a real shame though Frown.

Problem solved, check out the progress below. Thanks for your interest, please comment!

Hello again,

A lot of progress has been made on NPG, and the execs are allowing me to release these shots of the progress. Really, we only have a few more rides to install, and then we add finishing touches before we open next May. That leaves us with about 10 months left, and I'm getting really excited. Check out the construction shots below!

-Janet Rohrs

[Image: shot0608.jpg]
This new "Scrambler" ride was installed last week. We're looking for a creative name for it - any suggestions? As for the building in the back, you'll have to wait and find out more about that later!

[Image: shot0609.jpg]
[note: WIP shot] The ferris wheel and swings ride was added recently as well. High Fliers sure towers over them!

[Image: shot0614m.jpg]
This giant slide should be fun for our younger guests! I hear the park is planning to add shades to the top and bottom of the ride though.

[Image: shot0615.jpg]
What could this be? You'll have to wait and see!
gci2011's RCT3 Projects

Other Projects
I'm impressed, what did you do to solve the problem?

Looking forward to the next update.
Just renamed the .dat.bak file to a .dat file, and it worked fine. Thanks for following this!

Hello again,

We're in the dead heat of August, so what could be more appropriate than for me to introduce our log flume, the Crawfish Island River Excursion. Its a mouthful, I'll admit, but it has a nice ring to it nonetheless. Take a look below, you won't be disappointed!

-Janet Rohrs

[Image: shot0616.jpg]
This new little area is home to our log flume, the Crawfish Island River Excursion.

[Image: shot0617.jpg]
Don't worry, we've got plenty of lockers for you to store your belongings in so they don't get wet.

[Image: shot0618.jpg]
It won't be long before guests will be boarding their "logs" in this station!

[Image: shot0619.jpg]
Peeking through the trees is the ride's main lift.

[Image: shot0620.jpg]
Just a quick turn off the lift, and then its straight down the drop!
gci2011's RCT3 Projects

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You guys missed a few updates due to the site being down. You can catch up if you want over at SGW.

[size=x-[/size]large]Newport Pleasure Gardens opens this Wednesday![/size]


Yes, our opening is only a little way away! We've got everything done now, and right on schedule too! Check out the final construction update below.

-Janet Rohrs

(P.S. I may post a Year 1 Download if you guys would be interested. Let me know.)

[Image: shot0636.jpg]
These midways will be filled not long from now!

[Image: shot0635.jpg]
The back half of the park looks nice from here!

[Image: shot0634.jpg]
The whole park is finally complete!

[Image: shot0633.jpg]
Dream Tower's new color scheme helps it fit in better.

[Image: shot0627.jpg]
You'll have to wait and see what this is!
gci2011's RCT3 Projects

Other Projects
An opening year download will be posted tomorrow morning.
[Image: newspapert.jpg]

My name is James Miller, but you can call me Jimmy. My dad was reading the paper this morning when he read this article about our new local park, Newport Pleasure Gardens. I love theme parks and roller coasters, so my parents decided to take my sisters and me to the park today for opening day! Here's my park map from today - take a look:

[Image: shot0647bmp.jpg]
That's a big park!

Once we got our tickets, we stopped into the High Street Train Station first.

[Image: shot0650.jpg]
Boy, the article in the paper wasn't lying when it said that it was busy!

After that, we kept walking down High Street.

[Image: shot0639.jpg]
The waterfall sure looks big from here. Maybe we'll take a quick ride on the Grand Carousel.

After that we tried to hit all the "big" rides. The article recommended Dream Tower, so that's where we headed next.

[Image: shot0642.jpg]
Dream Tower had a long line too, but we decided to wait it out.

Once the ride started, I took out my camera to get some overview shots.

[Image: shot0653.jpg]
Dream Tower was really tall, but it gave some great views. High Fliers and Monstrum are huge!

Unfortunately, my camera died after that. I had forgotten to charge it I guess. Don't worry though, I'll probably be back at the park once school lets out in a few weeks. I'll be sure to take some more pictures next time!

See ya later!
gci2011's RCT3 Projects

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