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Newport Pleasure Gardens - Contest Begins (9-12-11)

Thanks for the comment back but i cant wait to see the park in the future
Thank you both! More of Hill Runner is shown below.


Managed to get back to the park today. Check it out!

[Image: shot0721.jpg]
Looks like the park has added more maps since last year.

[Image: shot0688.jpg]
The best part of Newport Pleasure Railway is when it goes over the water.

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I managed to get a front-seat ride on Hill Runner! The wait wasn't too bad, but longer than last time.

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I'd never seen this restaurant before, so I stopped in. They had great burgers!

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I ended the day with a ride on Crawfish Island River Excursion.

It was another great day at the park! I'll be back soon with more pictures!

Bye for now,
gci2011's RCT3 Projects

Other Projects

Hey guys!

I'm working on our family's annual Summer Scrapbook this year, so I decided that it wouldn't be right not to include Newport Pleasure Gardens! Plus, it gave me a great excuse to head back to the park and take a lot of pictures!

[Image: shot0753.jpg]
I headed back to Mine Town right away. It was surprisingly busy! Unfortunately, it was raining a bit.

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I don't remember seeing this waterfall last time.

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The weather cleared up long enough for me to get a ride on Rising Smoke.

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I also snagged a few rides on Hill Runner.

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By the time I got off, the rain was starting up again.

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I decided not to wait around for it to clear up, so I headed out.

Overall, I got some good pictures, and managed a few rides on Hill Runner and Rising Smoke. I just wish it had been a longer day!

I'll be back soon!
gci2011's RCT3 Projects

Other Projects

Hey everybody!

Today was a very interesting day at the park! I witnessed a ride malfunction for the first time, and caught a glimpse of something exciting! Check it out:

[Image: shot0759.jpg]
I started out the day with a ride on Monstrum. What can I say, it was awesome!

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As I got off the ride, I saw this across the midway; Tree Gliders was smoking!

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It wasn't long before a crowd formed to watch the malfunction.

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Luckily, though, it was only a few minutes before mechanics were able to fix it, and everyone got off safely.

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I took a ride on Dream Tower after that, and saw this!

What could the park be up to now? I'll be headed back to the park soon to find out more.

Have a great day,
gci2011's RCT3 Projects

Other Projects
Yay, more new stuff!!!!
^Yay Smile

Hey guys,

I went out to the park today to try to get some more pictures of the cleared area. There was no new progress, but I expect we'll see an announcement soon as the season is almost up. Other than that, it was another rainy day at the park today. Take a look:

[Image: shot0762.jpg]
I started out my day with a ride on Hill Runner. The ride really is growing on me!

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Once the rain started in, however, Mine Town started to clear out.

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It was already pouring by the time I'd taken a few pictures.

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The only thing scarier than Monstrum? Skies like those!

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At least these guys are covered!

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I wasn't the only one heading out of the park after that.

I'm gonna try to get back to the park once more, but I'll have to see what I can do. I'm expecting more homework now that I'm a sophomore, but we'll see. I'll do my best to get in one more visit!

gci2011's RCT3 Projects

Other Projects
Yay, another new update! Smile Great park.


Hey guys,

Today was my last day at the park for the season. Nothing too exciting while I was there, but I did see something in the paper. Looks like the park is already planning for next year. I've got a picture, but other than that, I was busy riding everything one last time.

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For the last day of the season, the park was actually pretty busy.

[Image: shot0698.jpg]
Looks like the park is running one last train on Monstrum.

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The rides in Mine Town are a lot of fun, but the area sure is nice too.

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Hill Runner really was a great addition to the park this year.

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I had to get a few rides in for myself after that!

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The view from the pier is simply stunning.

It sure will be a long winter, but I can't wait to see what the park adds for next year! On that note, look at what made front page news:

[Image: shot0735.jpg]

We'll have to wait and see!

See you next year,
gci2011's RCT3 Projects

Other Projects
Can't wait for the next season!!!
I try to get boulder leisure park to work but for some reason it keeps crashing me and makes me so mad
cant wait for next season to .

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