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Newport Pleasure Gardens - Contest Begins (9-12-11)

Still lookin fantastic! I'd recored for you but I prob. don't have all the CS. D:
Well hey how are you gci2011.Great park just mindblowingby the way. Now i dont know if you know this or not but Cd5 SixFlags South Carolina park just closed after two years going strong over on TPR. Your park has all the the right ingrendents to bee as good as CD5 but do you think you arfe up the the task of upstageingCD5 171 page super park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I think you can!!!!!!CoolBiggrin

Hey what cs sets did the counters and cash registers come from!!!!!!!!!!!
MeadowBrook Gardens Comeing Soon!!!!!!Cool
umm talismenf the Ice cream shop is just there now and gci posted this already so theres no need for anyother one
USA Fun And Blast Is great Company to plan and design any Park so if any parks need an buyer then USA Fun And Blast is there to help.
DiarugaCoasters: Interesting thought...

TC8950: Thanks for the offer, it's a big job - there's a lot of CS involved.

Talismenf22: Thanks! I've been following CD5's park for almost a year, and read the last update on Shyguy's World last night. Really sad to see it go, it was a great park. Thanks for the support, but anything of that size and commitment will be hard to beat! Also, the counters and cash registers are in shyguy's Main Street Set 8.

I'm still looking for someone to film some segments for my park. I'll take care of the editing, so it's not a huge job, but it does require quite a bit of CS and a good computer. Just PM me if you're interested!
Season 4

Hey guys,

Today was a slow day. I was honestly kind of surprised that the park wasn't busier, but it was a bit of a relief in the heat, actually. Check out some pictures.

[Image: REiU0.jpg]
High Street sure looks great. The two tigers kind of kill the illusion, though.

[Image: cNKir.jpg]
The back of the park wasn't nearly as busy though, and this is usually peak season!

[Image: lMU3w.jpg]
Park workers put this fence up earlier this week. Looks like more problems...

[Image: PK1l7.jpg]
Crawfish Island River Excursion is always a great way to cool off!

[Image: XIUVO.jpg]
Mine Town wasn't very busy either, so I took a ride on Hill Runner.

Stay tuned!

gci2011's RCT3 Projects

Other Projects
what cs set is the fence in pic five come in the ones in the closed tree glider pic .Not the wood ones the metal ones
MeadowBrook Gardens Comeing Soon!!!!!!Cool
Looks like Tree Gliders willl be taken down.

Talismenf22: The metal fences are from Shyguy's Planters

XXXArmadaBack: Hopefully not, and THANKS! Wink
Season 4

Hello again,

Its the middle of summer, and crowds are still below usual. It's a bit disappointing, but I'm sure it'll pick up!

[Image: H3Kgp.jpg]
The only busy shop on High Street was the Ice Cream Parlor.

[Image: OVNOM.jpg]
Tree Gliders looked like it was running when I got there this morning.

[Image: v3nAz.jpg]
I guess not...

[Image: WKesw.jpg]
I made Hill Runner my first ride of the day.

[Image: V5K0V.jpg]
I finished with a ride on Inverter. That's a long way down.

Today was my day off, but I'll be back to work on Monday!

gci2011's RCT3 Projects

Other Projects
Season 4

Hey guys,

Today was my last day working at the park. I hate to say it, but attendance still hasn't picked up. I'm a little worried - if this means that guests only come when there's a major addition, the park won't last long. I've heard that their finances are already hurting from the two back-to-back expansions. Hopefully NPG can turn this around soon.

[Image: 7G2Za.jpg]
Apparently a stunning midway isn't quite as popular as a new coaster...

[Image: 331Is.jpg]
I noticed today that the park had added tables to Corner Café's balcony!

[Image: s7he9.jpg]
Still closed...

[Image: j645H.jpg]
Half-empty trains were common on almost all rides today.

[Image: RH4pi.jpg]
At least the hot dog stand was busy!

I'll be back one more time before the park closes. I'm a senior now, so it's just one more year before I'm off to college! As for next year, I haven't heard much about an addition. I hope the park will go ahead and announce something soon, they need it to draw in the crowds!

See you later,
gci2011's RCT3 Projects

Other Projects
Nice update! I love this park, very Six Flags South Carolina-esque.
Season 4

Hey guys,

I went back to the park today for the last day of the season. It was slow, even for this time of year. I still haven't heard anything about next year, but the park will probably make an announcement soon. Check out some of the pictures I took.

[Image: O6Hyc.jpg]
I stopped by Lake Monster for a ride, and to chat with some ride operator friends.

[Image: I90Ph.jpg]
It was just a short walk across the midway to get to Town Square.

[Image: yIn1D.jpg]
Kind of a sad sight...

[Image: wyAoN.jpg]
At least they're having fun!

[Image: vp09X.jpg]
Tree Gliders hasn't been open for several months now...

[Image: 3Dai8.jpg]
Hill Runner never disappoints!

[Image: PSLKB.jpg]
It's nowhere near as thrilling as Monstrum, though.

[Image: bFpon.jpg]
I guess it's time to head out for the night.

This is my last year of high school, so I'll be off to college soon. I'm not sure what that'll mean for me as far as updating all of you - I'd like to try to continue, but I don't think I'll be able to get back often enough. I'll be back for the beginning of next season, though!

Have a great winter,
gci2011's RCT3 Projects

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