What is the highest prices you have been able to charge without Peeps saying "I'm not paying that much for ...".
List the shop/s and item/s and the price.
I've got a long way to fall, If I ever do drop. -Jason Winfree
$26 for the park entrance.
16.50 for a roller coaster lol. it was pretty long. :3
Jun 9, 2011, 12:57 PM
(This post was last modified: Jun 10, 2011, 01:18 AM by Coasteriffic.)
I don't really check shop prices or rides. I just make them and use the default price.
Without Cheats, probably around £14 for a roller coaster. Was pretty proud of that ride..
Cut the pizza into 4 slices cuz im not hungry enough to eat 6