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Forestwood Pines Theme Park

Hello new readers! You may know me from Adventure Kingdom, Old America, and my recently closed Lighthouse Pier. I have a new park called Forestwood Pines Theme Park, and it will be my first time using CS, so here you go!
Welcome readers to our new blog about our newest tourist attraction in Forestwood called Forestwood Pines. My name is Daniel Martinez, and I will keep you updated on all construction leading up to our 1990 opening. We have some rides fully constructed and ready to show. Enjoy!

Here we have part of our land bought. We can always buy more if we must!
[Image: Shot0422.jpg]

This is our park icon, a huge tree. Construction workers told me it was very hard to relocated this tree due to its massive size!
[Image: Shot0423.jpg]

Here we have our lake, so we can have water activities. Ready to get wet?
[Image: Shot0424.jpg]

That's all for now!
-Daniel Martinez
3TCR is RCT3 backwards! :P
Rewnis12299:RCT3 & NoLimits
Check out Lighthouse Pier!
Nice opening, can't wait to see what you will make out of this.
This park will be a better one
USA Fun And Blast Is great Company to plan and design any Park so if any parks need an buyer then USA Fun And Blast is there to help.
Riverway County Times Newspaper- May 12, 1988

The Riverway County will soon have another attraction with its addition of Forestwood Pines Theme Park. It hopes to attract tourists from all over the world to Riverway. The park has just broke ground a year ago and is starting to decorate some of its rides. Some will include a wooden coaster, a rollercoaster running past the rocky mountains, and other surprises to come. Other features will include one of the worlds most technological advanced theaters to house a new kind of circus, a mixture of carnival rides, and recreational activities. Opens 1990.
3TCR is RCT3 backwards! :P
Rewnis12299:RCT3 & NoLimits
Check out Lighthouse Pier!
You could do wonders with in game scenery. I know you'll be able to do the same with custom scenery!
Coasteriffic- Thanks!
Hello readers! You should have seen our newspaper article. It should have gave you clues for this update!

This morning, it was pretty hard drive to the park, but parking was much easier with a new parking lot!
[Image: Shot0425.jpg]

I did not show you this last time but here is the entrance.
[Image: Shot0426.jpg]

We also have been building this huge theatre. Can't wait to see the looks of this!
[Image: Shot0427.jpg]

[Image: Shot0428.jpg]

Here we have Rocky Pines Mine Cart Rail (long name :P). We built this part first because we wanted to see how the ride would feel and look like. I took a spin on it, and it was really fun!
[Image: Shot0429.jpg]

[Image: Shot0430.jpg]

That's all for now!
[Image: Shot0431.jpg]

-Daniel Martinez
3TCR is RCT3 backwards! :P
Rewnis12299:RCT3 & NoLimits
Check out Lighthouse Pier!
Lord, thats a big theater... (they need to install one into Knoxville ours is always full! 3X)
Also nice job on the rock scenery, download of them please? lol. (unless its shy guy's rocks)
TC8950- Thanks, lol. I use two sets of rocks, Shyguy's Rocks and Webers Gazebo and Rock Set.
Hello readers! With the opening coming just a year away, were working very fast to bring you Forestwood Gardens, so here's your update!

Our theatre just keeps growing and growing!
[Image: Shot0432.jpg]

[Image: Shot0433.jpg]

Here is the entrance to our Circus themed land. Nice and simple!
[Image: Shot0434.jpg]

Over at the other side of the park, some docks appear to be built.
[Image: Shot0435.jpg]

Here is our wooden coaster, Big Dipper.
[Image: Shot0436.jpg]

Big Dipper's Queue-
[Image: Shot0437.jpg]

Thanks for reading!
-Daniel Martinez

3TCR is RCT3 backwards! :P
Rewnis12299:RCT3 & NoLimits
Check out Lighthouse Pier!
thats awesome man can't wait for it Biggrin
Twitter - Twitch
Who needs realism when you have creativity?
Don't kill yourself kids!
invadazimrocks777- Thanks!
Hello readers! I visited the park today with a few new surprises.

When I got to the park, I found out that they were renovating the parking lot.
[Image: Shot0438.jpg]

I got out of my car and headed to the new security gates.
[Image: Shot0439.jpg]

I entered the new entry plaza and found new restrooms.
[Image: Shot0440.jpg]

I headed left to the park and saw the new swing ride in the Circus Land.
[Image: Shot0441.jpg]

After looking at some other rides. I decided to get my hard hat and go to the theatre. Guess there was some new walls.
[Image: Shot0442.jpg]

As I exited the park, I saw some new buildings next to the train station.
[Image: Shot0443.jpg]

Thanks for reading!
-Daniel Martinez
3TCR is RCT3 backwards! :P
Rewnis12299:RCT3 & NoLimits
Check out Lighthouse Pier!

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