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RCT3 Deleted Files

I've deleted the files in the folder Atari/RollerCoaster Tycoon 3/Style.
Could anyone please upload them, that I can download them?
Um, what folders? Custom Scenery or the in-game? o_o

EDIT: And may I ask, why did you delete the files...
Anyway just re install RCT3. Im pretty sure uploading the files is illegal...
Yes, it is illegal if it originally came with the game, so just re-install.
Well, yes, probably you're right. But if I re-install, do I have my scenarios and other saved things anymore?
Not sure, you probably do, since like most programs, it will save your custom saves, which includes game saves, parks, coasters, CTR and CS. I would however back them up just in case. However, if you cannot back them up you have to decide, continue without those files, or re-install and risk losing the files. Smile
(Aug 13, 2011, 09:17 AM)Mr. Tierry Wrote: Well, yes, probably you're right. But if I re-install, do I have my scenarios and other saved things anymore?

If you don't uninstall the game and just re install, yes you will still have your CUSTOM scenarios/parks/tracks ect. If you want the pre-made ones, (Vanilla Hills ect.) Go to:

and copy them and put them in a place you wont forget.
Re install
Then place the files back into the Base folder. Smile
Great, thank you for your good answers. :-)
Well, now I have an other question:
How can I re install without uninstall?
go to control panel remove or add programs, and select rct3, select repair, put your disk in, and it should re install all the lost files, i did this when i deleted the music.

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