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Hello World :D(contains complaint :/)

I have recently joined RCTgo and i have to say i love it apart from 1 reason (sorry :/) The files have to be no more than 7MB! I mean i am making a park and it isn't done and yet its like 6.87 or something! And i would like it to be a bit more so i can put some more of the park up! Im sorry to complain but apart from that i love this site! I have put 5 uploads up! Check them out!SmileFrownAngryCool
Zip it up. It would work then. And welcome!
how do u zip things
Put it in a .zip file.
ok ill try!
Welcome to RCTgo! Thanks for joining. Smile

Unfortunately, the 7 MB limit is something that is imposed on us by our host. We've tried increasing it by other means a few times, but each time something else has stopped working as a result.

To create a zip file: Right click on the file you want to zip -> Send to -> Compressed folder.
thank you!
Welcome to RCTgo.

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