Oct 23, 2011, 12:31 PM
It's time for another round of voting for RCTgo's Build It! Competition. Another three entries are up for voting - below are their name, screenshot, and the description provided by the creator. It's time for you to select your favorite roller coaster, and vote for it! Remember, if you're a contestant, you are not allowed to vote.
#1: ¡NT3R-TW!N3D
This was going to be an attempt of El Condor (Walibi World Holland) but I found the loop+twist too hard to do, so I made my own version. My version is narrowly based on El Conder, same colours, size, loops, corkscrews, twists but in different places. Visit the official website of the actual ride here: http://www.walibi.com/holland/nl-en/attr.../el-condor
Features : Drops THROUGH the loop the loop. THROUGH corkscrew/half loop. Double corkscrew.
Full over banked curve. Full double twist. 2 Half loops to corkscrews.
Basic test results: Excitment : 6.18 (High) Intensity : 7.50 (High) Nausea : 6.10 (High)
#2: Train Runner Expreess
E: 6.70
I: 7.84
N: 4:95
This coaster is not very detailed with the Jcat steelworks because I got this coaster of a replica of my science teacher's (Mrs Walsh) Knex Coaster! Also its not exactly a replica but its close enough! Enjoy and Have fun riding it!
#3: The Dominator
Hi guys time for my first competition entry ooh im so excited.
sorry about no screenshots of The Dominator but its a compact inverted roller coaster with the following stats
if you would like to download this so you can see the coaster so goto this link before you vote:http://rctgo.net/downloads/view/3162
Hope you enjoy and leave comments on the download link
BTW this download will be called dominators
Voting is now open!
Voting is only open until next Sunday, October 30, so vote quickly - before it's too late!