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Yo peepsss! i need help... i tried clicking "download" many times in every files on the downlaod section, it just gives me random words... Ex: "%^*&STYLe_scenery12@#*@^^(^" << that

HElp please! how do i download it..
u have to put the coaster in the correct documents folder. Eg Park goes in documents/rct3/parks etc!
Try it again, it sometimes does this, if not copy everything it says, put it into a notepad document and save it as (insertnamehere) then .trk or .dat depending on what it is.
(Nov 7, 2011, 04:23 PM)GameProKing Wrote: Try it again, it sometimes does this, if not copy everything it says, put it into a notepad document and save it as (insertnamehere) then .trk or .dat depending on what it is.

Depending on what???
If it's a park or custom structure file it's .dat, if it's a track it.s .trk, but sometimes people save the tracks in a park file, so just read the description.
thank you sir!! Smile
Try right clicking on the link, selecting "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..." (it should be one of the two). You should then be able to save the file just fine.

Also: Welcome to RCTgo! Thanks for joining. Smile
Lol my fourm becamean error help page

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