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recommend a cso, ctr, or cfr!

It's just because it's Christmas, people don't come online much because they want to spend time with their families.
my family is barely ever at my house...
[Image: AMUDExV.png]
I'm barely ever at my house, not sure why.
Look, why are you guys going off topic so much? This is thread to recommend CSO's ect. Use skype or whatever.
Have you got Skype?
yes but i dont use it. anyway, since no one is even going on this thread but us three, then there is no other use in it but to be a chat room. Biggrin
[Image: AMUDExV.png]
What has this thread turned into... :\ Shyguys, ATH, Vodhin, and er.... whats his name.... I'll have to think of it later, I'd get their sets though. I don't play RCT3 that much myself anymore..
I hardly play it at all now. ShyGuys, Vodhins, Old-Spice, ATH, and a few more.
its weird how you dont play a game very much but you work at a website for it.
[Image: AMUDExV.png]
No, I work at a website with downloads for it, I may also soon be a moderator. And it's not just for RCT3, ShyGuy's World is for every game under the sun, and for community chat.

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