Hello Guys! What I Have Here Is A Tutorial About Lights
Actually It's Not MINE !
But I Learned It
Tutorial About "LIGHTS" (From DRP - DarkRidePerson)
Lights are the most complicated of effect points. As in the previous section, I will discuss naming the effect point, and how to set it up with an example.
Here is how you name it:
There are 3 effect points that go into creating a light, however, I will only be talking about 1: lightstart. However, feel free to experiment with the other 2, lightend, and light color.
The light effect point follows a specific model that will only work if followed exactly. Each part should be typed in with no spaces. If I say that a part can have "nothing at all", then that part is optional
the model is like this:
The first part of the effect point name can have one of the following: "nb", "simple", or nothing at all. the effects that these produce will be disscused later.
The second part is the string lightstart## where, as in the previous section, ## is 01, 02, etc. Each light effect point must have a different value for ##.
The third part can have one of two values: "lamp" or nothing at all.
The fourth part is the color setting for the light. the value should be filled in like this: r#g#b#. (r=red, g=green, b=blue) The #'s range from 0 to 255. Think of it like mixing colors, adding certain amounts of each color to produce a new color.
The fifth part is the radius of the light. It is filled in like this: radius#. the # stands for the radius of the light.
Ok, that was easy right...ok, maybe a little complicated, so lets try an example.
I want to attach a light effect point that emits red light with a radius of 10 to my object.
1) I create an effect point following the model. (the PART1 and the other parts are there for refrence, they aren't really in the effect point name...)
If I take out the PARTs, I come out with:
2)I fill it in with the following values:
And that is it.
Actually It's Not MINE !
But I Learned It

Tutorial About "LIGHTS" (From DRP - DarkRidePerson)
Lights are the most complicated of effect points. As in the previous section, I will discuss naming the effect point, and how to set it up with an example.
Here is how you name it:
There are 3 effect points that go into creating a light, however, I will only be talking about 1: lightstart. However, feel free to experiment with the other 2, lightend, and light color.
The light effect point follows a specific model that will only work if followed exactly. Each part should be typed in with no spaces. If I say that a part can have "nothing at all", then that part is optional
the model is like this:
The first part of the effect point name can have one of the following: "nb", "simple", or nothing at all. the effects that these produce will be disscused later.
The second part is the string lightstart## where, as in the previous section, ## is 01, 02, etc. Each light effect point must have a different value for ##.
The third part can have one of two values: "lamp" or nothing at all.
The fourth part is the color setting for the light. the value should be filled in like this: r#g#b#. (r=red, g=green, b=blue) The #'s range from 0 to 255. Think of it like mixing colors, adding certain amounts of each color to produce a new color.
The fifth part is the radius of the light. It is filled in like this: radius#. the # stands for the radius of the light.
Ok, that was easy right...ok, maybe a little complicated, so lets try an example.
I want to attach a light effect point that emits red light with a radius of 10 to my object.
1) I create an effect point following the model. (the PART1 and the other parts are there for refrence, they aren't really in the effect point name...)
If I take out the PARTs, I come out with:
2)I fill it in with the following values:
And that is it.

Wanna see my creations? : Click Me | Latest upload: Lights Set 2
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My Accounts: YouTube | Shyguy's World | CS Depot