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Dark Karnage Productions

Hello everyone Smile I'm not sure if this is the correct thread for this so I apologize in advance. I'm new to RCTGO but not to 3D modeling and designing. Before anyone asks later in this post, Genomimic is my usual internet persona, but Dark Karnage is my creative name.

Now to stay on topic, I am currently working on a project. A very large and extensive one. My very first RCT3 custom scenery. I know, what a noob. This set (as it stands in developement) will consist of 3 downloadable tiers: Lite - Standard - Professional.

I was playing/building the other week and needed pieces that well, just didnt exist. This set in its complete (pro) form will consist of well over 200 pieces. From my experience in working with other creator's sets, It's very difficult to manage that many pieces and keep the game from becoming a constant search for that piece you knew you DL'd but cant find it in the scenery tabs. I will not let this happen. I will not release this set until I am sure that it will be well organized and easy to reference. If possible, I will keep it all in the wall section, not some here, there, and that other place. It will be complete, organized, detailed and explained. I'm soooo excited to see it in action. Just to briefly explain the 3 teirs, the releases will be in the following format:

Lte Edition: Basic building - walls in basic sizes, some floors/roofs, diagonals and bricks.
Std Edition: Lte + filler pieces, more advanced angles, some special decorative pieces.
Pro Edition: Lte + Std + advanced walls, angles, decor, offsets, new pieces never before seen.

I'm working on this right now (taking a break to write this) and if all goes well, I may have something completed within the week. So at this point, I'm sure you're wondering what kind of set this is! Ok ok. Firstly, my making this a template set locally, meaning that the pieces will always be available for re-texturing on my end. I may make other "themes" etc. Oh and...If I'm able (and I'm sure I am) I will make sure that each of these terrifying and new pieces will have a picture. No white box, no silly text. actual thumbnails. Biggrin IM EXCITED!!!

The current set that I am bragging so badly about:

Dark Karnage's Custom Scenery: Castle Edition

These are some of the Alpha designs. Not Beta. First drafts. Im doing the Beta now as I type. Things have come a loooooong way since these were taken:

[Image: vhruhu.jpg]
[Image: 140j8fo.jpg]
[Image: 33yhuly.jpg]
[Image: t8lt1v.jpg]
[Image: 34gagkn.jpg]

Again, these are NOT finished. These are merely examples Smile The current draft set looks much better.
What's an alpha? Does that mean there is an alpha release and then a beta and then a final?
[Image: AMUDExV.png]
In this case, Alpha means it was the initial design concept. Just a rough draft. I'm doing the Beta now since I never sleep. Beta will be play testable, though I don't know that I wanna release a set in Beta since there's likely to be bugs. I don't wanna see people getting confused because they downloaded the beta and forgot to come back for the final, leading to a bad CS experience Frown I'm moving right along in the designing now, got fresh coffee haha. I suppose I can release a Beta pic at least for the moment Smile

PS working as fast as i can

[Image: dp90r5.jpg]
So, once you're done with these, are you going to post them here at rctgo, or somewhere else?
Your MOM goes to Galactic Academy!

Alien7 ЛצлιΤҥεβσιϮҥεлгϮεδ
this will likely be the only place i post them Smile just for you guys
Awesome. Looks great! Keep it up!

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