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My first custom scenery

This is my first custom scenery set. I needed these parts to finish a skyscraper I'm building. I hope you like them. When I finish making my icons, I'll upload the set.

As much as I like making structures, I doubt this will be my last CS set.

Y'all have fun!

[Image: memphistheme_zps0aae92d1.jpg]
[Image: buckwilde_zps70f957c2.jpg]

I tried being normal, but it was terribly boring, so I gave it up for Lent.
I like it! I will definitely use those column pieces! Could use a little improvement here and there, but not bad for your first CS set.
Thanks, Kinderly! They definitely made a difference in the structure I'm currently making.

Have fun!
[Image: buckwilde_zps70f957c2.jpg]

I tried being normal, but it was terribly boring, so I gave it up for Lent.
^Hey b, how do you make the OVL files that come in a file folder for the CS?
[Image: 528178_509529172430197_169075770_n.png]
My Website: ✏ RCTgoMatthew
Are you struggling with, RCTgo, RCT1,2,3, NoLimits, Thrillville or Thrillville: Off The Rails?
Just PM me about the things you want sorting out and I will be willing to help you.
The RCT3 Importer makes the OVL files for you. It's the first step in importing your CS.
[Image: buckwilde_zps70f957c2.jpg]

I tried being normal, but it was terribly boring, so I gave it up for Lent.
^ What CS maker do you have, for example: Google Sketchup?
[Image: 528178_509529172430197_169075770_n.png]
My Website: ✏ RCTgoMatthew
Are you struggling with, RCTgo, RCT1,2,3, NoLimits, Thrillville or Thrillville: Off The Rails?
Just PM me about the things you want sorting out and I will be willing to help you.
But when I create OLV'S, its only 2 ovl files.
[Image: 528178_509529172430197_169075770_n.png]
My Website: ✏ RCTgoMatthew
Are you struggling with, RCTgo, RCT1,2,3, NoLimits, Thrillville or Thrillville: Off The Rails?
Just PM me about the things you want sorting out and I will be willing to help you.
Yes, I'm using Google Sketchup 8. You must create an ovl for each scenery item. It makes a common and a unique, so those should be your two. Does this make sense?
[Image: buckwilde_zps70f957c2.jpg]

I tried being normal, but it was terribly boring, so I gave it up for Lent.
Do I have to make a folder?
Please can you post a Tutorial on how to make OVL files for RCT3 Importer.
[Image: 528178_509529172430197_169075770_n.png]
My Website: ✏ RCTgoMatthew
Are you struggling with, RCTgo, RCT1,2,3, NoLimits, Thrillville or Thrillville: Off The Rails?
Just PM me about the things you want sorting out and I will be willing to help you.
^^ I'll do my best, sweets. To answer your question, though, yes I make a folder for each theme I'm making. So for that set, I have a folder on my desktop called buckwilde memphis that has all my texture jpgs, my sketchup *.ase files, and my *.ovl files in it. It also has my saved .thm files (theme files) and the *.xml or data sheet where each piece is located.

It may take me a few days to make a CS tutorial. What are you trying to make? Walls, supports...because placement varies in the importer.

Have fun!
[Image: buckwilde_zps70f957c2.jpg]

I tried being normal, but it was terribly boring, so I gave it up for Lent.

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