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Importer Issue - Wall becomes horizontal, like a path cover

Hi, thanks for checking this out. Basically my problem is that i've made a few walls in Sketchup for my Fallout project in order to make one of the main buildings, however when imported into the game the wall is flat on the ground, almost like a path cover. Any ideas?

I'm quite the newb at this as you can probably guess haha :L

[Image: uCLuM.jpg]
That happened to me too! Here is what you need:

Latest Version (v18): http://sourceforge.net/projects/rct3/fil...0v18beta2/

Sideways Object Fix: http://forums.rctgo.com/attachment.php?aid=2574

[Image: esnmrzfdshrgsgszwybusqeyhdnbnbnkzx_zpsc1aa7a5d.png]
Put the files from the fix into the importer's program files.

[Image: atJFHHGDAShbjdGVJSDGVJMDZCXCJ_zps5f325112.png]
Click the "F" button, then click yes. Do this to EVERY single object you make.

Hope I was clear,


Attached Files
  RCT3 Importer mingwm10.dll fix (1).zip (Size: 4.86 KB / Downloads: 143)
[Image: Ardy.png]
mingwm10.dll is a side issue...nothing to do with roatation. Like rctd said if you modeled in blender or sketchup you have "z" in the up direction.
making custom scenery one iece at a time...
Without mingwn10, you can't run the latest version of the importer, thus not having the ability to change the rotation. It is important that you have Importer V18 beta 2.

[Image: AMUDExV.png]

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