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Lag in night time

Yeah, as the title says I've got lag in nightime.
I've never had this before, and a few days ago it just started lagging when the lights were to turn on. I like nighttime best, because it's so pretty and you can see what's good and what's badly lighted.
Anyone got any idea how comes?
I'm running RCT3, Soaked and Wild, as extra info.

signature your as this put backwards this read to
enough smart were you if..

if you can raed the flwonolig, tehn you have a wried bairn.
Maybe you put too much lighting in the park, and your comp cant take all the colour.
That happens to mine, too Frown
Cut the pizza into 4 slices cuz im not hungry enough to eat 6
Well, my comp is supposed to handle a large lot. Add the fact that it never happened before, whilst there was a lot of light as well, and it seems impossible to be my comp.
signature your as this put backwards this read to
enough smart were you if..

if you can raed the flwonolig, tehn you have a wried bairn.
It's your video card, but still this happens to everyone.
- yawn -
Not nice
signature your as this put backwards this read to
enough smart were you if..

if you can raed the flwonolig, tehn you have a wried bairn.

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