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The Plaza

Hello fellow tycoons,

Here is a build I've been working on since last summer: The Plaza, so named for the large glass shopping center.

Still very much a work in progress, but I have a lot of screens so far, let's take a small tour.

[Image: Shot0565_zpsc335f75e.png]

Here is the entrance to the Plaza Mall...

[Image: Shot0573_zps7580b4d6.png]

[Image: Shot0081-1.jpg]

[Image: Shot0571_zps33133e48.png]

[Image: Shot0103.jpg]

[Image: Shot0078.jpg]

[Image: Shot0475_zps18f70e6d.png]

I put on an addition for the three indoor pools...

[Image: Shot0139-2.jpg]

[Image: Shot0124.jpg]

[Image: Shot0142-1.jpg]

[Image: Shot0145.jpg]

[Image: Shot0128.jpg]

[Image: Shot0138-1.jpg]

I have been scaling-down this park because it does lag pretty heavy, but it did afford a lot of great screens.

[Image: Shot0338_zpsa72270d3.png]

[Image: Shot0422_zpscfc63512.png]

Much more to come...

Thx Smile
This is amazing, and the park looks great at night, but we didn't get a great view at all the attractions. By the numbers, how many roller coasters and rides do you have?
Eat, sleep, ride!
My band's first single, "Get Outta Mah Face!" has been released! Look us up on iTunes!
(Feb 13, 2013, 04:52 PM)Piedude81 Wrote: This is amazing, and the park looks great at night, but we didn't get a great view at all the attractions. By the numbers, how many roller coasters and rides do you have?

So far I only have one rollercoaster: "Super-Looper" placed in the shopping center... it gets a rating of about 5.5. something like that.

[Image: Shot0568_zps3d1513fd.png]

I have plans for either one or two more placed in the shopping center and maybe some larger ones in the back hills, but first I need to either remove some of the scenery or compress the file because it locks up at about a thousand guests.

I have already removed two skyscrapers and am planning to remove another 15 story that is almost 100% custom scenery...

[Image: Shot0199.jpg]

Hoping that will do it, and I will replace that resort with something only a few stories tall.

But you know, in the meantime we have some pretty nice screens...

These were built with no custom scenery and I'm hoping I can preserve them and at least have a few tall buildings in the park...

[Image: Shot0198.jpg]

Here they are in another park...

[Image: Shot0210.jpg]

This diagonal pool might not be the most practical, but I think it looks sharp.

[Image: Shot0218.jpg]

The Trocodero Nightclub is in this park along with the Blue Taj Cineplex...

[Image: Shot0191.jpg]

[Image: Shot0193.jpg]

[Image: Shot0226.png]

This one was built from the inside-out...

[Image: Shot0222.jpg]

For flat rides... I guess I have about 15 or so.

You can see a few from this shot inside the Plaza shopping center...

[Image: Shot0570_zpsf2967e60.png]

There are about a half dozen in the main "amusements" area in front of the cineplex...

[Image: Shot0566_zps9f8ba3d0.png]

Two in front, the aquarium and the wave rider...

[Image: Shot0556_zps201fa8df.png]

Like I say, it's still a WIP and I need to finish up adding shrubbery which I always put in last after all the buildings and rides and pathways and all the things that must come first.

[Image: Shot0551_zps082defd7.png]

[Image: Shot0572_zps94ad880c.png]

Thank you for the reply!

And still, much more to come...

Thx Smile

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