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Help with 'New Blood' Scenario

I could do with some help on RCT3 Scenario 12: New Blood. The scenario is set to park entrance £5 (variable) and free rides (fixed). The target I'm struggling to reach is repaying the loan, which, after constructing quite a few rides to entice the peeps in, stands at £18,000! Anyway, I'm experiencing the following problems:

Litter & Vomit - for such a small park the litter and vomit levels rise incredibly fast if I have anything less than 4 janitors! This is costing me a fortune, and even though they are all trained up to the max, they struggle to keep on top of the litter. Once my litter rating got back to around -40 I sacked one of them and it plummeted to -500 in no time!

Park Entrance income - brings in around £800-1,000 per month for a couple of months, then £0 for months on end.

With my staff wages, running costs and loan interest so high I'm struggling to break even. At this rate I have no chance of repaying the loan and hitting the objective. Please help!!!
Erm, try looking on the Atari fora, there are some walkthroughs over there.


Here ya go.
signature your as this put backwards this read to
enough smart were you if..

if you can raed the flwonolig, tehn you have a wried bairn.
Thanks, that was great!

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