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Disappointing how..

All these threads get lots of views, but no one replies. What's the point of being part of a forum if you're not going to reply? Step it up.
[Image: ffOLLZF.jpg]
Just did. Biggrin
idk man i think we need new people to join active members you know because think about it in only like 10 of use that really active... not a lot people play RCT3 or NO LIMIT maybe it me but the games is starting to die out.... when i post i post for the guest view because i get a lot of email from them and i get a lot supports from guest than members shocking right ... but if you realize it a lot of people rather be guest than members here the reason
1. we kinda act like A$$ holes some days..
2. they nerviest and shy and think we might Laugh at their work.
3. some people hate to share work.
4. rather look than and don't than talk about different stuff.
5. we don't support nobody work we try to out build each other.
6. we push people away...
that reason why people don't stay active or don't sign up..
i don't know how were going to fix it but i think we need to act more like a family and start being friendly....

that my comment..
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(Feb 20, 2013, 08:32 PM)nineflagsinc Wrote: i don't know how were going to fix it but i think we need to act more like a family and start being friendly....

Fair enough, RCT3 isn't huge anymore, but a lot of people still play it. I just wish there was a more active community, that's all.
[Image: ffOLLZF.jpg]
We should get a BILLBOARD and put Chris Sawyer on it, along with two women with gigantic cans. That would draw people back to the game! Also, if you want to be part of a really active forum where the big boys play, start an account at Shyguy's World, NJK.
[Image: caldercitycoasters_zps4ade4f3e.png]
(Feb 21, 2013, 03:24 AM)CalderCity Wrote: you want to be part of a really active forum where the big boys play, start an account at Shyguy's World, NJK.

Nice one, thanks for the heads up!
[Image: ffOLLZF.jpg]
Yea I agree with you guys!!
My temperate page for coaster news- comming soon! Visit my newest park project!!-California's Great America http://forums.rctgo.com/thread-7122.html and BoomDunes-http://forums.rctgo.com/thread-7140-post-82305.html#pid82305

I agree with nine flags,
we all can be total jerks some times and we need to stop.
also, we need to look welcoming to guests, Justin is, but we're not.
because I was even nervous when I signed up, and when i'm on this site I try to be the best good example I can be, and I appreciate it when you guys
do too. so lets find a way we can make people feel welcome.
(Feb 21, 2013, 03:24 AM)CalderCity Wrote: We should get a BILLBOARD and put Chris Sawyer on it, along with two women with gigantic cans.
oh, k. i dont wanna be a jerk but christ sawyer would not be on an rct3 billboard with sexy women. becides rct3 is 8+ years old, and theres a few big communities left.
I agree with you.

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