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RCT3 How do i use CS?

Does the game freeze regardless which CS you choose or does it freeze only if you choose pieces from certain sets?

Does the game freeze or does it crash/shut down? If it freezes how to you end the RCT.exe process?

You have written you’ve downloaded the CS properly, extracted it properly and installed it properly, so let’s move on and take a look at memory.

How much RAM does your system have?

How much on-board RAM comes with your graphics card?

How much disk space do you have on your drive before installing your CS and how much is there after installing the CS?
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Since this post I have had some success and some failures. Not sure what causes the failures . When it freezes it does it as soon as I click on any CS file I have downloaded. I have 7.87 GB Usable. My laptop is 3 months old.

Still having the same issue with most files I download. I get a corner:Sid error of some kind.
The no SVD for SID error indicates the files are either corrupted or the game can’t access them. If you’re sure they’re installed properly then you could try redownloading them.
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