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The Fisherman's Inn

Make the connectors red. That's the whole point in them. In real life, the connectors are built into the track, and they connect to the supports with screws.
[Image: AMUDExV.png]
(Apr 23, 2013, 11:20 AM)blackrider5 Wrote: Two questions what are you planning to have in the darkride for me i think the screenshot you posted was not as filled with scenery as it could be i would suggest making the room wider so the lights arent so in your face. The other question is where did you get those lights on the coaster they are amazing!

I am still working on the darkride. Its taking me way longer than expected. I dont know where the lights are from, I dont have acess to my computer but I will check as soon as I do.
okay thanks Smile the park is coming on really well btw
Hahaha good Biggrin
[Image: 528178_509529172430197_169075770_n.png]
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Work is going slowly but surely...

[Image: Shot0030_zpsb385555a.png]
The B&M is done! Any ideas for names?

[Image: Shot0032_zps010f398e.png]

[Image: Shot0031_zps25bd8822.png]
Red Hawk sounds good to me.
[Image: 528178_509529172430197_169075770_n.png]
My Website: ✏ RCTgoMatthew
Are you struggling with, RCTgo, RCT1,2,3, NoLimits, Thrillville or Thrillville: Off The Rails?
Just PM me about the things you want sorting out and I will be willing to help you.
Thats a good name. But I was thinking something fishier... After all, the park is called Fisherman's Inn.
red hawk does sound nice but a fish name could be like Stingray, but this coaster is red and I think stingray is for a blue coaster
[Image: 8lbd5Z7.png]
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"Red Herring"? Wink

Nice park by the way!
[Image: HnAiYLa.png]

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