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Help Please

Ok I posted this in another section and I realize it was the wrong place I have download two Roller coaster off here now that will not work. They end in .dat instead of .trk is there away to get them to work or has the person who uploaded them uploaded the wrong file. I have checked what type they are sopose to be and checked all similar types and they still do not show up. I would really like to uses these coasters
In RCT3 .dat files are Parks, scenarios, structures, campaigns or tutorials. There are two things you can consider:

1. Change the extension from .dat to .trk and see if they work like that. There’s the off chance the files you have are actually track files that have gotten saved to an incorrect extension.

2. You can assume you’ve downloaded the wrong files and try and download them again, ensuring that this time .trk files are the files that download.
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